Your name in japanese Alba
How is Alba written in japanese?
Alba in japanese katakana:
Alba in japanese hiragana:
How to pronounce Alba in japanese?
Alba transcribed to romaji:
Pronunciation of Alba in japanese:
Pictures of the name Alba in japanese:
Alba in japanese katakana:
Alba in japanese hiragana:
Example sentences that contain Alba in japanese:
Alba's favorite fruit is the tomato
aruba no sukina kudamono wa tomatodesu
Alba is studying french
aruba wa furansugo o benkyō shite imasu
Alba now also in chinese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Alba in chinese!
Go to see Alba in chineseOther names in japanese:
Name | Characters |
Daniel | ダニエル |
Tania | タニア |
Fatima | ファチマ |
Teresa | テレサ |
Lourdes | ルルド |
Iñaki | イニャキ |
Bruno | ブルーノ |
Noelia | ノエリア |
Carlota | カルロタ |
Judit | ジュディット |