Your name in japanese Esperanza
How is Esperanza written in japanese?
Esperanza in japanese katakana:
Esperanza in japanese hiragana:
How to pronounce Esperanza in japanese?
Esperanza transcribed to romaji:
Pronunciation of Esperanza in japanese:
Pictures of the name Esperanza in japanese:
Esperanza in japanese katakana:

Esperanza in japanese hiragana:

Example sentences that contain Esperanza in japanese:
Esperanza's friend has ten trees
esuperansa no yūjin wa 10 pon no ki o motte imasu
Esperanza is studying english
esuperansa wa eigo o benkyō shite imasu
Esperanza now also in chinese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Esperanza in chinese!

Other names in japanese:
Name | Characters |
Dario | ダリウス |
Valentin | バレンティン |
Vanessa | バネスサ |
Juan Ramon | フアン・ラモン |
Maria Amparo | マリア・アンパロ |
Maria Teresa | マリア・テレジア |
Antoni | アントニ |
Antonio Jose | アントニオ・ホセ |
Jose | ジョセフ |
Youssef | ユセフ |