Your name in japanese Kennedy

How is Kennedy written in japanese?

Kennedy in japanese katakana:


Kennedy in japanese hiragana:


How to pronounce Kennedy in japanese?

Kennedy transcribed to romaji:


Pronunciation of Kennedy in japanese:

Pictures of the name Kennedy in japanese:

Kennedy in japanese katakana:

The name Kennedy in japanese katakana characters

Kennedy in japanese hiragana:

The name Kennedy in japanese hiragana characters

Example sentences that contain Kennedy in japanese:

Kennedy and Luis Alberto are very good friends


kenedi to ruisu・aruberuto wa totemo yoi tomodachidesu

Kennedy is studying italian


kenedi wa itaria-go o benkyō shite imasu

Kennedy now also in chinese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Kennedy in chinese!

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Other names in japanese:

Name Characters
Francesc フランチェスク
Alicia アリシア
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Jaume ジャウメ
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Sonia ソニア
Candela キャンドル
Roberto ロバート
Juan Pedro フアンペドロ
Marcos フレーム

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