Your name in japanese Luis
How is Luis written in japanese?
Luis in japanese katakana:
Luis in japanese hiragana:
How to pronounce Luis in japanese?
Luis transcribed to romaji:
Pronunciation of Luis in japanese:
Pictures of the name Luis in japanese:
Luis in japanese katakana:

Luis in japanese hiragana:

Example sentences that contain Luis in japanese:
Luis's friend has four books
ruisu no yūjin wa 4 satsu no hon o motte imasu
Luis and Marco Antonio are very good friends
ruisu to maruko・antonio wa totemo yoi tomodachidesu
Luis now also in chinese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Luis in chinese!

Other names in japanese:
Name | Characters |
Maria Cruz | マリア・クルス |
Laia | ライア |
Lucia | ルーシー |
Maria Magdalena | マグダラのマリア |
Diana | ダイアナ |
Valentina | ヴァレンティナ |
Carmen Maria | カルメンマリア |
Irene | アイリーン |
Maria Paz | マリアパス |
Elisabet | エリザベト |