Your name in japanese Maria Yolanda

How is Maria Yolanda written in japanese?

Maria Yolanda in japanese katakana:


Maria Yolanda in japanese hiragana:


How to pronounce Maria Yolanda in japanese?

Maria Yolanda transcribed to romaji:


Pronunciation of Maria Yolanda in japanese:

Pictures of the name Maria Yolanda in japanese:

Maria Yolanda in japanese katakana:

The name Maria Yolanda in japanese katakana characters

Maria Yolanda in japanese hiragana:

The name Maria Yolanda in japanese hiragana characters

Example sentences that contain Maria Yolanda in japanese:

Maria Yolanda has given eight cars a Jose Ramon


maria・yoranda wa hose・ramon ni 8 dai no kuruma o ataemashita

Maria Yolanda wants to go to Japan


maria・yoranda wa Nihon ni ikitai to omotte imasu

Maria Yolanda now also in chinese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Maria Yolanda in chinese!

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Other names in japanese:

Name Characters
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Angel アンヘル
Guillermo ウィリアム
Valeria バレリア
Maria Josefa マリア・ホセファ
Juan Jose フアンホセ
Carolina カロライナ
Vanesa ヴァネッサ
Claudia クラウディア

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